Forest Hill Home Owners, Inc. (FHHO) is a non-profit organization that provides advice, options, and support to Forest Hill homeowners on how to protect the property values of all homes in Forest Hill. FHHO was established in 1950 to promote, safeguard, and improve the property values in, and the general welfare of, the Forest Hill community in East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

FHHO is a 100% volunteer organization and is supported by annual voluntary contributions.

Saturday & Sunday, May 17th-18th: Monster Garage Sale

Save the Date!

Join us on Saturday & Sunday, May 17th & 18th, 9 am – 3 pm!

Have thing to sell?: RSVP here to reserve your spot!

Quick Links:

Click each green link for more info

Need Sidewalk Repairs or Have Violations?

In our last newsletter we discussed exploring the possibility of partnering with one or two local contractors who may be open to offering volume discounts for sidewalk leveling and/or repairs within the Forest Hill area. That article drew responses from nine of your Forest Hill neighbors. We are planning to start approaching contractors in April and have extended the deadline to sign up until April 15, 2025. If you have been contemplating getting bids on this type of work and would like to participate in this program, please respond by signing up below. Once we secure an agreement with a potential contractor we will update you. Each resident will then be contacted directly by that company to set up a visit, review your project and provide an estimate for the work. 

Update on Cuyahoga County Property Appraisals 

As a followup to the article on the 2024 property tax reappraisals in the Fall Forest Hill newsletter, there continues to be outrage from many homeowners concerning their recent property tax increase. Many homeowners were shocked by rate increases of 20% to 45%.

Some of your Forest Hill neighbors have already filed a formal complaint and received a hearing date. A couple residents have also appeared at a hearing and successfully been granted a tax reduction. The deadline for filing a formal complaint and requesting a hearing with the Cuyahoga County Board of Revision ends on March 31, 2025. After that date the next formal complaint period won’t begin until January 1, 2026. Formal hearings are conducted via a ZOOM video link, in person or over the phone and usually last 30 minutes.

If you choose to file a complaint you will need documented proof such as a recent professional appraisal to plead your case. All evidence to support your complaint must be submitted 15 days prior to your scheduled hearing. The various forms of acceptable documentation, along with the complaint application are available on the county website:

Keep in mind that getting a professional appraisal typically costs around $450 to $550 and is considered the best evidence to present. A professional appraisal will confirm the actual square footage of your property which goes into the calculation your property value and tax rate. In some cases records on County properties have not been updated for over 20 years. If you have recently purchased a home in Forest Hill, or applied for a refinance, your mortgage company would conduct a professional appraisal that you can submit, provided that it is was completed within a year of your formal complaint submission.

You must continue to pay your currently appraised taxes due until you have your hearing and receive a official resolution letter from the Board. 

Please Continue to Support FHHO 

FHHO relies on your generous annual donations to cover routine expenses, taxes and upkeep of the Blue Cottage and Burlington Lot, along with promotional materials, insurance and accounting fees. We need around $17,500 in contributions each year to sustain operations and sponsor events for Forest Hill residents. If you have not already, we invite you to join our 2025 fund drive at any of the following levels:

FHHO Donor: $25 to $99 a year
• Listing in Spring newsletter

FHHO Supporter: $100 to $149 a year
• Listing in Spring newsletter and all year on the FHHO website
• Free registration in the annual Forest Hill Garage Sale

FHHO Champion: $150 or more a year
• Listing in Spring newsletter and all year on the FHHO website
• Free registration in the annual Forest Hill Garage Sale
• Invitation to an FHHO Special Fall recognition celebration

Annual donations can be made via Paypal, Zelle, Venmo, or by check.

Nominate a MAD Neighbor

Recognize a neighbor who Made A Difference (MAD).

Purpose of the FHHO MAD Neighbor initiative:

  • To give recognition to individual(s) who are part of the Forest Hill community who have gone above and beyond to do something nice for someone in or out of our community. This program shows how fortunate we are to have them.

  • To showcase how people in our neighborhood help make our community better by good deeds, home & yard beautification, helping our elderly or sick, meeting temporary transportation needs, picking up groceries for someone unable, etc.

  • To provide FHHO an opportunity to showcase how much we appreciate what members have done to make a difference in our Forest Hill area. Nominees will be showcased in our newsletters and at the annual meeting.

Eligibility Guidelines:

  • Reside within Forrest Hill community/or own a business within Forrest Hill

  • Service provider to our FH Residence (Postal Amazon/FedEx /UPS, etc.)

  • Groups/family or individual

  • No age limits

  • Picture of someone caught doing a good deed

Download or complete the online form to tell us who you would like to nominate and why.

Block Captain

Call for Block Captains

Do you know the neighbors on your block well? Are you interested in getting involved with your neighborhood but don't want to become a trustee? Then becoming a Block Captain is the perfect position for you! Block Captains are delegates who are willing to help get the word out when there's important information to share. You could help us spread the word to nearby houses about garage sales, block parties, and more. You could also inform us with anything of interest on your block, such as new neighbors moving in or someone having a baby. To discuss your interest with a board member, please email

Organize a Block Party

Interested in organizing a neighborhood block social in your area? Contact Donna Kolb at 216-536-2841.


February 16, 2019

the blue cottage

Photo by Beryl Tishkoff