Forest Hill Home Owners, Inc. is a non-profit, member-governed association, and the board of trustees is the ultimate decision-making center of the FHHO. The board provides overall direction for the FHHO on behalf of the membership, ensures sound management to achieve the goals of the FHHO, and keeps the membership informed about the status of the FHHO.

All Forest Hill homeowners are members of the organization. Each year the members meet to elect our board of trustees, who in turn nominate and elect an executive committee comprised of area residents, to manage the organization.

The organization is dependent upon volunteer contributions of members for carrying out its many responsibilities. Trustees serve without compensation. These volunteers make time in their busy schedules for Forest Hill and donate hundreds of hours of time and professional services to our organization. Through its officers, committees, and trustees, Forest Hill Home Owners, Inc., has established a gratifying record in maintaining and advancing the high community standards of this area.

Qualifications to become a board member are as follows:

  • FHHO member in good standing.

  • Knowledge of and/or interest in community building desirable.

  • Useful experience, education, or skills might include prior work on a volunteer board; financial, business, or legal background management, supervisory, or organizational skills; negotiation, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills; collective/cooperative experience.

  • An interest in meeting people, sharing project ideas and resources to execute our organizational and community projects, and connecting on issues you care about in Forest Hill.

Member in good standing (Membership Information is Available Here)

In order to be in good standing, a trustee must be current at the minimum level of donation ($75), with a suggested contribution level of $150 for 2019.  For consideration as a trustee candidate a resident must have made the minimum donation by the deadline posted on the website for receipt of names for consideration by the nomination committee.

Trustees who have shown lack of loyalty, failed to carry out the expected responsibilities, used their position for personal gain, or intentionally acted in a way that could harm the association is not eligible for re-election. The fiduciary responsibilities of trustees of non-profit boards are described in this publication from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

Execute the following trustee duties:

Support FHHO goals and objectives

Trustees are expected to support the priorities and goals of FHHO by serving on at least one committee, for example Marketing, Social Engagement, Fundraising, Government Affairs, Standards, by providing help, such as delivering fliers, data entry, or reporting standards violations, and by encouraging social engagement by getting to know neighbors, and organizing block parties and other events.

fundraising: Discuss FHHO with residents and solicit support

We currently see resident financial participation approaching 25%.  We need trustee help to solicit donations on an on-going basis from non-participating residents. A good way to do this is to begin to engage the residents on your street, by organizing a block party, or inviting them to your home for drinks, desert, or a pot-luck get-together. It is well known that the more engaged they are, the more likely residents are to keep up their properties and, thus, become aware of the benefits of a home owners association. In addition, by getting to know your neighbors and having frequent social contact, you will have opportunities to discover their talents and interests, invite them to volunteer on FHHO committees, and remind them of the need for financial contributions.

Report standards violations

Trustees are expected to be vigilant in noticing standards violations, especially those relating to roofing, siding, windows, gutters, and yard maintenance and reporting them on an ongoing basis to the standards committee. They should also notice when homes are vacant or abandoned and let the appropriate committee know. 

Attend trustee meetings

Trustees are expected to attend all trustee meetings. Historically, there have been two trustee meetings a year, with the spring meeting being focused on agenda setting for the year and the fall meeting being when executive elections are held. In 2017, it was suggested that meetings were held quarterly, with the additional meeting providing an opportunity for the Executive Committee to provide the Board with updates. Based on both Ohio law and our bylaws, non-trustee residents may not attend Trustee meetings, unless specifically invited to do so by the President or Chairman of the Board. Similarly, Trustees may only attend Executive Committee meetings if they gain permission from the President ahead of time; unless the President invites them to do otherwise, trustees may speak for up to 5 minutes at the end of the executive committee meeting. 

Engage street for block parties

Social interaction is critical to building a strong community.  FHHO would like every block to host an annual block party.  It is the responsibility of Trustees to facilitate these parties.

Deliver welcome packets

Welcome packets are provided by the Membership Chair.  The trustee is expected to notify FHHO of any new residents, acquire a packet, deliver it in person to the new resident, obtain phone numbers and emails, and make the residents feel welcome to the neighborhood.  The trustee is expected to point out the dues solicitation, and speak to the positive impact the organization is making to Forest Hill. They are also expected to emphasize the contract that each resident has made through signing the protective covenants - go over the covenants and standards with the residents, and emphasize the importance of downloading an application from the website and submitting it to the blue cottage for any renovation or variance request. 

Communities are stronger when we work together. Forest Hill Home Owners can be what you make it!